A feature for authorized user has document creation authority, which the user security level setting is available in the User Management.
Steps to create new document:
1. Click Document.
2. Click Create New Document.
3. Select Department.
o The department that is responsible for the document creation. Eg. Employment Recruitment Procedure is under HR Department.
4. Select Document Category.
o Whether it is Quality Manual, Job Description, Procedure, Work Instruction or Form.
5. Key in Document name.
6. Key in Document number.
7. Select Document Effective Date (optional).
8. Select Document Expiry Date (optional).
9. Document Printable.
o Check the box if the document can be printed by authorized user.
10. Select the related ISO Standard.
o Which ISO Standard that the document is belongs to?
11. Select related ISO Clause.
o Clause displayed according to the selected ISO standards.
12. Select Document Access (Select either All, Confidential, Department or User Security)
13. Attach Main Document:
• Click Attach Main Document.
• Navigate to the file you want to upload to the system.
• Click Open to upload document.
14. Attach Supporting Document (optional):
•Click Attach Supporting Document.
• Navigate to the file user want to attach.
• Click Open to upload document.
15. Attach Reference Document (optional):
• Click the related document.
16. Click Create Document to complete the document upload. Next can either proceed to:
o Option 1: Send Document for Review.
o Option 2: Save the Document as Draft and can be amended at later time.
Step to Send Document for Review:
1. Select Review Due Date (optional).
o To set the due date for reviewers to review the documents.
2. Select Reviewer(s).
3. Click Submit.
o NIIX System will automatically notify Reviewer via email to review document.