Document Number Prefixes help user to manage documents by providing an easy way to automatically assign document number to the uploaded document according to the preset prefixes based on ISO Standard.
Prior to set the Document number prefix, At System Setting, check the “Activate” box for “Auto Generate Document Number” to activate the auto numbering feature
Steps to Set Document Number Prefix:
Prefix: This is an implication of a specific document number coding with related to a ISO Standard. Eg. The prefix for document from ISO 9001 could be begin with “QMS-“.
Serial Number: The Serial Numbers give a better control over continuation of document tracking, which the serial number is in numeric and incremented by one. Eg: “0000”.
Running Sequence: This indicates the sequentially number of each document, it shall be set at “0”. Eg: the next sequence number will be “1”.
Standard: This indicate the specific setting of Prefix, Serial Number and Running Sequence is belongs to the specific ISO Standard. You can preset the Prefix, Serial Number and Running Sequence for each and individual ISO Standard.